The Pandemic Venezuela Phone Number List Has Made Us Accentuate

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Сообщения: 1
Зарегистрирован: 19 апр 2022, 17:29
Пол: Парень

The Pandemic Venezuela Phone Number List Has Made Us Accentuate

Сообщение MONI » 19 апр 2022, 17:32

There is no discussion. Renewable energies, the elimination Venezuela Phone Number List of single-use plastics or the circular economy have become a necessity not only to get closer to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) proposed by the UN for 2030, but also to create business ecosystems cleaner and more Venezuela Phone Number List resilient, capable of guaranteeing profitability. An idea on which the ambitious 'Wave of Change' movement of Iberostar (sponsor of the 5th APD Crossing Regatta ) revolves, as explained by Sabina Fluxá , Vice President and Venezuela Phone Number List CEO, and Gloria Fluxà , Vice President and CSO (Chief Sustainability Officer) , of the Iberostar Group.

P To what extent can circularity become a job and economic Venezuela Phone Number List opportunity for the economy in general, and for a sector such as tourism in particular? R Sustainability, properly understood, is not at all incompatible with a profitable tourism model . On the contrary, it Venezuela Phone Number List contributes to enhancing the quality of tourist destinations in the long term and collaborating in the development of the local communities that live in them. This is what Grupo Iberostar is promoting through our pioneering Wave of Change movement. The key is to transfer this way of understanding tourism to the customer experience, starting with the experience of the employees.

We should not think of sustainability as an issue that requires Venezuela Phone Number List more financial resources. It is rather a question of attitude, of knowledge and science , and of having the will to transform processes. All this achieves a relevant impact if done correctly. At Iberostar we have our own 2030 agenda based Venezuela Phone Number List on circularity policies. In fact, we have recently created a department called 3R (Reduce-Reuse-Recycle) , which is made up of 250 people in all hotels to be totally waste-free in hotels by 2025. P Innovation and technology will Venezuela Phone Number List be two essential levers for the (sustainable) future of any activity and sector.

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